I'm glad you caught it before it got too crazy! I don't know much to suggust, though I will ask my mother and boss at the farm about less agressive ground cover!

Fresh indigo dye, as supposed to fermented? My boss sent me an artical about fermenting it though I can't have a large enough tub yet, nor a PH measuring utensil.

So, cold bath of fresh indigo dye? That sounds simple enough. I'll look it up a bit, though i did see ppl getting gray wich is what I hope to avoid. Workshop is August 22! Just a free thing at a youth camp, thought it would be fun to add it, though I'm mostly just itching to use my plants! :))

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Jul 31, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023Author

It takes about [redacted] to create a fermentation vat, even even then you're better off starting with commercial powder than your precious leaves. It can be made in something as small as a 2 litre jar, provided that you accept the smaller size has less pigment. The colours range from turquoise to teals to darker true blues.

I'll assemble some resources, and either send them to you or post them.

[Edit! I went and did some further research. Fruit vats can be done overnight, and other fermentation vats can take up to a week. read more here https://oicherua.substack.com/p/lughnasadh?sd=pf ]

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Careful about the low growing weed in there with your rose! We have them on the farm and they can be really aggressive and out complete everything around them!

What is the simplest way of making an indigo dye? I have a little dye workshop with some youth at a camp coming up and I have indigo growing in my garden this year. Would love to introduce it along with the dyes i'm more familiar with! Would love some simple tips :)



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Jul 29, 2023·edited Jul 29, 2023Author

I saw the plant getting kind of ugly and decided to rip it out. The root system was really impressive. What are some nice groundcover plants that are not too aggressive.

The best way to use the leaves is as fresh leaf indigo dye. There are a few techniques that can be used, but part of the trick is to use them immediately after harvesting, and keep them cool. When is your workshop?

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